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Free easy-to-follow workouts

beginners workout for all, follow along to these simple yet rewarding exercises and have some fun!

Side lunge

exercise level: beginner

Push to the side with one leg keeping the other leg straight and lean as far down as possible 

keeping the back straight

repeat 20 times


Sit ups

excersise level: medium

Keep your feet on the ground (use support if necessary) the bring your upper body up to your knees keeping your hands behind your head the whole time.

repeat 20 times

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Forward lunge

excersise level: beginner

Lunge forward making one knee almost touch the ground while the other leg supports, then switch legs

for more advanced jump while switching legs.

repeat 20 times each leg

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excersise level: beginner

keep legs apart and go down into your knees keeping your back straight. Keep hands out in front of you for more balance.

repeat 20 times

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